Gnanaselvin Subbiah
Pastor S.Gnanaselvin the founder and the managing trustee for Jesus is the Light Ministries, Chennai,India. He has given his life to Christ at the age of 13. While he was working as a computer professional at 22 years of age, God called him to do his ministries and since then he has been serving God full time.
By God's grace, he has been serving the Lord as an evangelist for the past 18 years and has travelled to several parts of India and other countries, preaching the gospel, doing charity and leading the next generation for God's kingdom. The Lord opened his way for international ministries on October 2001. The Lord has given a great burden about Sri Lanka, which was effective during a civil war. He has traveled most parts of Sri Lanka and 21 countries around the world such as Europe, United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Asia.
The Lord has blessed his ministries with His love and compassion to reach the unreached, blessed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit in healing, prophecy and strengthening souls in Christ. He has PG Diploma in Christian Studies with Madras Christian College, Chennai, India. He is married and blessed with two daughters. His two brothers are also in Lord's ministry.